Caettano was baptized Friday, he wanted a special day all for himself haha so we had 2 different baptism services. He wanted "Peace in Christ" as the special musical number so Elder Davis sang and I played the piano. Isaddora was baptized Saturday and with little preparation I played "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". Both baptisms went great, little by little the entire family will be baptized! Elder Davis is super good at singing and playing the guitar.
I translated for some guys from the Netherlands in Sacrament meeting, Irmã Niza spoke about the difference between Testimony and Conversion and how searching the scriptures and praying we can gain a testimony of the Restored Gospel but just a testimony will not be enough to help us get through the trials of life. We need to apply the gospel in our lives, scripture study, prayer, obeying the commandments daily will convert us to the gospel. 2 Nephi 28:30 ...I will give unto the childr en of men line upon line, prec ept upon precept, here a littl e and there a little; and bles sed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shal l learn wisdom; for unto him t hat receiveth I will give more ; and from them that shall say , We have enough, from them sh all be taken away even that wh ich they have.
Our District reached the goal of 5 baptisms in the month of July that I had established a few weeks ago!
We went to the Consolado with Luis and Marion to marry, they had all the right documents but the Consolado in Oeiras wanted one more document so it didn't work, they will go to another consolado in Lisbon today that will accept the documents. They are so close to quiting smoking and will soon be baptized.
While we were praticing our hymn, President Quinteiro gave a church tour to his friend, Ricardo who is the best selling real estate agent in Europe. It was cool to meet him.
Patticia's nephew, Vinicios arrived in Portugal last week, watched the 2 baptisms and came to church. He said to us, After watching the baptisms and going to church, I feel that I too want to be baptized. That night we taught the Restoration and he accepted baptism for next Saturday!
Boa Semana!
Elder Anderson
We couldnt get it to close...