Monday, May 28, 2018



Zone Conference was cool and special with President and Sister Tavares, the Assistants and the 4 of us Elders. A lot more personalized. I learned a lot about Prayer and revelation, doing the Lord´s will instead of ours and other types of "bait" we can use to find the elect "fish".

We worked with Elder Smith Monday night he taught us a lot about planning by the spirit. We taught André with him that night on Skype and ended up teaching him about every night for 15 min on the chapel´s computer. Was neat.

I have learned to valorize every minute of gospel study. I love learning more about the gospel especially studying and getting more familiar with the Book of Mormon. I read the Iron Rod, about all of Jacob, Enos and a lot of other passages in the Book of Mormon, I know that it is true!

I love to see people´s faith in the gospel grow. It is incredible rewarding to see someone that you have persistently worked with to testify or breakdown after having a spiritual experience.

A few people said that I look like Ronaldo, I just need to get his haircut haha. One morning we ran to Monte Brasil, A volcano peninsula on Terceira island. It is incredible to run there in the mornings. Island life is a good life.

There was a bullfight in front of our house, the others elders were sick at home so they took some videos, We were out working so we didn't actually see any of it.

This week will be the last of an incredible time here on Terceira island, 100%!

Elder Anderson


 4 Riberas

Irmáo Frank!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Festas do Espirito Santo


A few weeks ago I talked to a Spanish Woman in a car waiting for her daughter. She arrived late so we talked to Matilde for an hour and she asked all about us and what we do. Tuesday we passed São Mateus where they live and taught her family the Restoration. We finished the First Vision and she said, wow you bring a message of Peace. We then read Galatans 5:22 and explained that that was the spirit telling her that this was the truth. The lesson was super fun and spiritual and the house was super nice haha but latter in the week we received a respectful message that they are not interested in changing religions. It was sad to hear but we have to respect the agency of the people. We gave them a Book of Mormon and at least we planted a good seed for the future.

We have been asking the question "What is the most important thing for you in your life?" Most of the time it is family, but it makes it so much easer to talk to people and make an easy transition to the gospel. Doing this people have become more nice.

A member this week said, "Elders, how is it that you always have the perfect scripture for me?" Feels good to help people through reading The Book of Mormon.

André came to church, he is 16 years old and was in our class where we taught about gaining and strengthening our testimonies through Scripture Study and Prayer. It went great.

President and Sister Tavares and the Assistants are her in Terceira Island for a super small Zone Conference and will pass P-day with us. The Fiestas here are crazy there have been concerts every night until real late behind our house, luckily I can still fall asleep easily and fire crackers go off all day everyday. Yesterday a big marching band marched down the road close to the church. Fun Stuff. I love the Azores!

Boa Semana!
Elder Anderson

(no pictures this week...maybe next week!)

Monday, May 14, 2018



I´m in Lisbon for the first time in 6 months to do Sef and I will return tonight to Terceira for 3 more weeks! I ran 2 miles in Benfica this morning then bowled a 105. It was so fun to talk to the family last night. Once again Happy Mother´s Day Mom and to Grandma(s) and to the other mothers! Your influence and example to me in life and the gospel have guided and protected me so much!

Went to Praia a day this week and passed the members, The members there are so cool. One has a brain tumor which has made her temporarily blind, Remarkably she is such a happy person. I finished reading "Our Search for Happiness" for the second time this week, the first time was in the MTC. It is a guide and invitation to understand The Church of Jesus Christ. Real and True happiness is only found by living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A daughter of a member was hit by a car passing a crosswalk, and almost died, her head it pretty beat up and her body is bruised. They called us Saturday morning for us to pass by and give them a blessing.

We´ve had little success with teenagers throughout my mission, but this week we found three Simon, Diana and Ana who are open and sincere to hearing the gospel.

We have been working a lot with Lucia Matos, who had been inactive a while and now she is coming back to church! We will continue working with Manuel, Pedro, Nuno, Fatima and many others to return to full membership.

3 months left, time to give it 100% and leave it all out in the field!

Boa Semana.
Elder Anderson

 Built in 1682 The woman that saved the island from the Spaniards by letting out the wild bulls as their ship arrived lived in this house