We found a some new investigators this week, Vanessa the grandchild of a member, Conceição we met at a street corner, it was a miracle, and taught her two times this week.
An old lady offered us Whiskey this week haha.
We were walking passed the chapel and a lady was passing by so we offered to quickly show her the chapel, she is from another island, Graciosa, so we gave her a Book of Mormon, and planted a seed for the future.
For a Family home evening we did an example comparing 11 year old Rodrigo to a professional soccer player and what he needed to do to eventually become that pro, and compared it to spiritual growth preparing to enter the Holy Temple and be sealed as an eternal family. Then we watched a super cool video about temples.
We worked in São Sebastião one day for the first time, another little "fraquesia" that has hardly been touched by missionaries. We explained the Book of Mormon to a man, he was not interested but we asked if he knew a family close by that would have interest. he said walking about 2 minutes go right then right then left leaving my house and follow that road to the end and there should be a family. We went there and the second door we found a family who had interest and was open to hear our message, we just had a little time waiting for the bus, so we explained the Book of Mormon and left one with them!
I "ponderized" Ether 12:27 this week, 27 And if men come unto m
Boa Semana!
Elder Anderson
A hand-written account from one of the first elders who helped open up Terceira island to missionary work in 1981. Very inspiring!